Our username generator is based on your interests which makes it more suitable for you as the individual you are.
The main reason however for why you would make use of a username generator is for security. Many users make use of the same Username and password on various websites and platform. If a person's username is compromised it can open the door for identity theft or access to most of your accounts. It is therefore a good idea to make use of different username's on different website's or accounts to help mitigate your security risk. Another reason to make use of a username generator is simply that it is fun to see the unique and creative usernames that are generated.
A username is a name that uniquely identifies a user and it is mainly used to log on to a computer system. A username normally consists of a person's real name or nick names and it could also incorporate a user's favorite interests. A Gamertag can also be seen as a username due to it creating a unique identifier for the user/gamer.
There are various ways to ensure you have an insteresting and unique username and one of the ways is to make use of a username generator as found on our website. Other ways could include making use of characters in your favorite movie or adding a mashup of different words, numbers or special character's to your alias.
Try to choose a creative or funny username. Our username generator can be used to create username ideas for games or for your social media accounts.
- Most sources say that the first case of username/password is the Compatible Time-Sharing System operated in MIT in 1961-1973.
- Admin/Administrator is one of the most used usernames.
- Usernames are also referred to as the following : Gamertag, login ID, user ID, account name and nick name.
- Try not to use your real name or any personal information.
- Don't not to use the same username and password combinations for all of your accounts.
- Attempt to change your username and passwords on a regular basis.
- Try not to use your email as your username.
- Create a creative or funny username by using a username generator.
- Wikihow : How to Make a Unique Username